​​​​​​​​​​​When you visit your chosen Certified LENS Practitioner for the first time, they will need to know about you, and your symptoms, in order to develop a customized treatment plan.  We have questionnaires your providers will need you to complete.  There are two ways you can fill out these forms; either by filling out the online form, or by downloading them and filling them out at home. 

Click on the Online LENS Forms link below and fill out the online questionnaires.   The questionnaires consist of three parts: (1) CNS Questionnaire, (2) Intake Form, and the (3) Sensitivity Questionnaire.  This information can then be accessed by your chosen provider and will help them understand your physiological presentation.  This questionnaire provides them with the information needed to design your personalized treatment plan. 

If you prefer to fill out the forms at home, you can click on each form to download.  Complete the forms at your convenience, and take them with you on your first visit.

Take your time and complete the answers slowly.  Please remember that  there are no right or wrong answers.  Your LENS provider is here to help!


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