EMDR References

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Davidson, P. R., & Parker, K. C. (2001). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR): A meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69, 305-16.

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Greenwald, R. & McClintock, S. D., Jarecki, K., & Monaco, A. (2014). A comparison of eye movement desensitization & reprocessing and progressive counting among therapists in training. Manuscript under review.

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EMDR & Children/Adolescents Bibliography
Empirical Research and Published Case Studies
Adler-Tapia, R.L. & Settle, C.S. (In press). EMDR in the treatment of childhood
depression: Findings from a pilot study.
Adler-Tapia, R.L. & Settle, C.S. (2012). Specialty topics on using EMDR With
children. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 6(3). 145-153.
Aduriz, M.E., Bluthgen, C. & Knopfler, C. (2011). Helping child flood victims using
group EMDR intervention in Argentina. International Perspectives in
Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation. 1(1). 58-67.
Ahmad, A., Larsson, B., & Sundelin-Wahlsten, V. (2007). EMDR treatment for
children with PTSD: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Nordic Journal
of Psychiatry, 61(5). 349–354.
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children. EMDRIA Newsletter, 4(1). 11-13.
Chemtob, C.M., Nakashima, J. & Carlson, J.G. (2002). Brief elementary school
children with disaster-related post-traumatic stress disorder: A field study.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58. 99-112.
Chowdhury, U. (2011). Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and
adolescents. Community Practitioner, 84(12). 33-35.
Cocco, N., & Sharpe, L. (1993). An auditory variant of eye movement
desensitization in a case of childhood post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal
of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 24(4). 373-377.
Field, A. & Cottrell., D. (2011). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
as a therapeutic intervention for traumatized children and adolescents: a
systematic review of the evidence for family therapists. Journal of Family
Therapy, 33(4). 374-388.
Fleming, J. (2012). The effectiveness of eye movement desensitization
and reprocessing in the treatment of traumatized children and youth.
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 6(1). 16-26(11).
Forte, K. (1999). Group therapy in young children. EMDRIA Newsletter, 4(4).
Geller, P (1999). Developmental consideration in using EMDR with adolescents.
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Greenwald, R. (1993). Treating children’s nightmares with EMDR. EMDR
Network Newsletter, 3(1). 7-9.
Greenwald, R. (1994). Applying eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
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Disorders Practice Journal, 1. 83-97.
Greenwald, R. (1994). Family interventions to enhance child EMDR treatment.
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Greenwald, R. (1994). Using EMDR with children: “Cleaning up” afterwards.
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Greenwald, R. (1996). Eye movement desensitization (EMDR): A promising
treatment for traumatized children. The Child Survivor of Traumatic Stress,
1(2). 2,6. http://users.umassmed.edu/Kenneth.Fletcher/emdr.html.
Greenwald, R. (1998). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR):
New hope for children suffering from trauma and loss. Clinical Child Psycho-
logy and Psychiatry, 3. 279-287.
Greenwald, R. (1999a). After zero: Further processing with teens. EMDRIA
Newsletter, 4(4). 14.
Greenwald, R. (1999b). A crisis response approach for suicidal teens. EMDRIA
Newsletter, 4(4). 23-25.
Greenwald, R. (2000a). A trauma-focused individual therapy approach for
adolescents with conduct disorder. International Journal of Offender Therapy
and Comparative Criminology, 4. 146-163.
Greenwald, R. (2000b). EMDR for traumatized children and adolescents. In K.N.
Dwivedi (Ed.) Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents.
198-212. London: Whurr.
Greenwald, R. (2002a). EMDR and trauma-focused treatment for conduct
problems. In J. Morris-Smith (Ed.), EMDR: Clinical applications with children.
ACCP Occasional Papers, 19. 15-21. London: Association for Child
Psychology and Psychiatry.
Greenwald, R. (2002b). Motivation-adaptive skills-trauma resolution (MASTR)
therapy for adolescents with conduct problems: An open trial. Journal of
Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 6. 237-261.
Greenwald, R. (2006). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
with traumatized youth. In N. Webb (Ed.) Helping traumatized children and
youth in child welfare: Perspectives of mental health and children’s services
practitioners. 246-264. New York: Guilford.
Hensel, T. (2009). EMDR with children and adolescents after single-incident
trauma: An intervention study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 3(1).
Hogberg, G., & Hallstrom, T. (2008). Active multimodal psychotherapy in children
and adolescents with suicidality: Description, evaluation and clinical profile.
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 13(3). 435-448.
Ignacio, J. & Uribe, S. (2011). The EMDR protocol for recent critical incidents:
Brief report of an application in a human massacre situation. Journal of
EMDR Practice and Research. 5(4). 156-165.
Jaberghaderi, N., Greenwald, R., Rubin, A., Zand, S.O., & Dolatabadi, S.
(2004). A comparison of CBT and EMDR for sexually abused Iranian girls.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 358-368.
Jarero, I. (2002). The butterfly hug: An update. EMDRIA Newsletter, 7(3), 6.
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treatment protocol: Application with child victims of a mass disaster. Journal
of EMDR Practice and Research, 2(2). 97-105.
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trauma intervention for children and adults. Traumatology, 12. 2.
Muris, P., Merkelbach, H., Holdrinet, I., & Sijenaar, M. (1998). Treating phobic
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Psychology, 66.193-198.
Muris, P., Merckelbach, H., van Haaften, H., & Mayer, B. (1997). Eye movement
desensitization and reprocessing versus exposure in vivo: A single-session
crossover study of spider-phobic children. British Journal of Psychiatry, 171.
Oras, R., Cancela De Ezpeleta, S., & Ahmad, A. (2004). Treatment of trauma-
tized refugee children with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in
a psychodynamic context. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 58. 199–203.
O’Shea, K. (2009). EMDR friendly preparation methods for adults and children. In
R. Shapiro (Ed.), EMDR Solutions II: For depression, eating disorders,
performance, and more. 289-312. NY: W.W. Norton & Co.
O’Shea, K. (2009). The EMDR early trauma protocol. In R. Shapiro (Ed.), EMDR
solutions II: For depression, eating disorders, performance, and more.
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Pellicer, X. (1993). Eye movement desensitization treatment of a child’s
nightmares: A case report. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry, 24. 73-75.
Pocock, D. (2011). The promise of EMDR in family and systemic psychotherapy:
a clinical complement to Field and Cottrell. Journal of Family Therapy, 33(4).
Puffer, M. K., Greenwald, R., & Elrod, D. E. (1998). A single-session study of
EMDR with children and adolescents distressed by a traumatic memory.
Traumatology, 3(2).
Spinter-Ranta, D. (1999). Slaying the monsters. EMDRIA Newsletter, 4(4). 9-10.
Robbins, J. (2000, December). Brief treatment of a toddler using EMDR.
EMDRIA Newsletter [special edition]. 25-27.
de Roos, C., & de Jongh, A. (2008). EMDR Treatment of Children and
adolescents with a choking phobia. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research,
2(3). 201-211 .
Rubin, A., Bischofshausen, S., Conroy-Moore, K., Dennis, B., Hastie, M.,
Melnick, L., et al. (2001). The effectiveness of EMDR in a child guidance
center. Research on Social Work Practice, 11(4). 435–457.
Russell, A. & O’Connor, M. (2002). Interventions for recovery: The use of EMDR
with children in a community-based project. Association for Child Psychiatry
and Psychology, Occasional Paper No 19. 43-46.
Samec, J. (2001). The use of EMDR safe place exercise in group therapy with
traumatized adolescent refugees. EMDRIA Newsletter [special edition]. 32-35.
Scheck, M. ,Schaeffer, J.A. & Gillette, C.S. (1998). Brief psychotherapies with
traumatized young women: The efficacy of eye movement desensitization and
reprocessing. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11. 25-44.
Soberman, G.S., Greenwald, R., Rule, D. L. (2002). A controlled study of eye
movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for boys with conduct
problems. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 6. 217-236.
Stewart, K. & Bramson, T. (2000). Incorporating EMDR in residential treatment.
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 17. 83.
Tufnell, G. (2005). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing in the
treatment of pre-adolescent children with post-traumatic symptoms. Clinical
Child Psychology and Psychiatry,10(4). 587–600.
Turner, E. (2005). Affect regulation for children through art, play, and story telling.
In R. Shapiro (Ed.) EMDR solutions: Pathways to healing. 327-344. NY:
WWW. Norton & Co.
Wanders, F., Serra, M., & de Jongh, A. (2008). EMDR versus CBT for children
with self-esteem and behavioral problems: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of EMDR Practice and Research¸2(3). 180-189.
Winkle, V. V. (1999). Breaking the cycle of violence: EMDR treatment of a
traumatized violent teen girl. EMDRIA Newsletter, 4(4). 26-31.
Wizansky, B. (2006). Footsteps through the maze. EMDRIA Newlsetter, 11(3).
Wizansky, B. (2007). A clinical vignette: Resource connection in EMDR work with
children. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 1(1). 57-61.
Zaghrout-Hodali, M., Alissa, F.,Dodgson, P. (2008). Building resilience and
dismantling fear: EMDR group protocol with children in an area of ongoing
trauma. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2(2). 106-113.
Books on EMDR and Children
Adler-Tapia, R. & Settle, C. (2008). EMDR & the art of psychotherapy with
children: Treatment manual and text. NY: Springer Publishing.
Adler-Tapia, R. & Settle, C. (2008). EMDR & the art of psychotherapy with
children: Treatment manual. NY: Springer Publishing.
Gomez, A. (in press). EMDR Therapy and adjunct approaches with children:
complex trauma, attachment and dissociation. NY: Springer Publishing.
Greenwald, R. (1999). EMDR in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Northvale,
NJ: Jason Aronson.
Greenwald, R. (2005). EMDR within a phase model of trauma-informed
Lovett, J. (1999). Small wonders: Healing childhood trauma with EMDR. NY: The
Free Press.
McGuinness, V. (2001). Integrating play therapy and EMDR with children.
Shapiro, F., Kaslow, & Maxfield (Eds.) (2007). Handbook of EMDR and family
therapy processes. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
EMDR Resources for Children
Adler-Tapia, R & Tapia, M. (2008). My EMDR workbook. Author. Go to:
www.emdrhap.org .
Courtney, D. (2010). The EMDR journey game. Author. Go to:
Gomez, A. (2007). Dark, bad day…go away: A book for children about trauma
and EMDR. Phoenix, AZ: Author. Go to: AnaGomezTherapy.com.
Harkenreader, J. Bad memories go away! An EMDR workbook for
traumatized children: Unlocking trauma and creating safety. Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada: Therapist Resources. Go to:info@therapistsresources.com.
Meignant, L. & Neignant, C. (2007). Buddy, the dog’s E.M.D.R. France: Author.
Go to: EMDR.buddy@mail.com.
SUDs/VOC Scale for Children. Go to: EMDR.HAP. org.
Waldon, A. (2004). Goodbye yucky thoughts and feelings: An EMDR workbook
for children. Carrboro, NC: Author. Go to: www.annwaldon.com or
www.EMDRresources.com. Also available in Spanish.
Waldon, A. (2007). Hello strength and bravery: A resource workbook for
children. Carrboro, NC: Author. Go to: www.annwaldon.com or
www.EMDRresources.com. Also available in Spanish.
Yordy, J. (2001). Energy connection game: Energy exercises, therapeutic stories
and positive affirmations for children. Go to: energyconnectiontherapies.com.
Brochures on EMDR
EMDR & Children: A Guide for Parents, Professionals, and Others Who Care
About Children: Austin, TX: EMDRIA. Go to: EMDRIA.org.
EMDR: Just re-record it. (brochure for adolescents). EMDR, Kind en
jeugd, the Netherlands. Go to: www.emdrkindenjeugd.nl (click on “om te
lezen” to get the brochure in 12 languages).
EMDR: Moving your eyes until its gone. (brochure for children). EMDR, Kind en
jeugd, the Netherlands. Go to: www.emdrkindenjeugd.nl (click on “om te
lezen” to get the brochure in 12 languages).
EMDR: Traumatic memories become ordinary ones. (brochure for parents).
EMDR, Kind en jeugd, the Netherlands. Go to: www.emdrkindenjeugd.nl (click
on “om te lezen” to get the brochure in 12 languages).

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