Victim of Violence Protective Order Links

his section is for anyone seeking help, or adults helping a suffering child who is not your own.

Are you being abused? If punishment regularly causes bleeding, or leaves marks on your body, you may be a victim of physical abuse. If you are under 18 and unwillingly providing sexual gratification to someone, you may be a victim of child sexual abuse. You can check for signs and symptoms of abuse here:

Signs and Symptoms:


If this is happening to you, here are some important things for you to know:

  • No one has the right to abuse you.
  • You don’t deserve to be abused.
  • If you are being abused, you are a victim.
  • It’s not your fault that you are being treated this way.
  • It is wrong that you are suffering this pain, fear or sadness.
  • You are not alone. Other kids suffer abuse, too.
  • Sometimes abusers scare or threaten kids so they won’t tell.
  • There are people who care about you and want to help you.

If you are being abused, please tell a safe person – that’s someone you can trust like a teacher, counselor, school nurse, neighbor or parent.

There are places you can call for advice and help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

CHILDHELP USA HOTLINE counselors can help you. They work with translators, and there is probably one that speaks your language. They don’t know who you are and you don’t have to tell them. CALL 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) then push 1 to talk to a hotline counselor.

THE RUNAWAY HOTLINE can help if you have run away or are thinking about it. They help you help yourself by talking through your problems and helping you find a plan of action. CALL 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929). They can help you find a safe place to go.

How to protect yourself:

  • Do not be alone with anyone who hurts you.
  • Listen to the little voice inside when it says that what is being done to you isn’t right.
  • Find an adult you trust and tell them what is happening. If the first adult doesn’t believe you, keep telling until someone does believe you.

The adult you talk to about your abuse may want to tell the police or child protective services about the person who is hurting you. If the child in need is not related to you, we may still be able to help.


Alliant University’s Institute
on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma
California Judicial Council
Child Abuse Forensic Institute
Communities Against Violence
The Courageous Kids Network
Distinction in Family Courts
Haworth Trauma and Maltreatment Press
Justice for Children
Leadership Council
The Legislative Counsel of California
National Council of Juvenile and Family
Court Judges
Sage Publications

DISCLAIMER: These links are listed for informational purposes, and does not necessarily indicate our recommendation or endorsement.

Support and Networking Sites

CPPA Facebook page

Courageous Kids Network

Mothers of Lost Children

Stop Family Violence

Non-Custodial Moms Breaking the Silence

Incest Survivors Speaker Bureau

Ross County Network for Children

Join Hands

Protective Mothers Alliance

Hope 4 Kidz

National Association to Protect Children

Justice for Children

Children Without A Voice

Biased Family Court System Hurts Mothers

California National Organization of Women

Alliance for the Rights of Children

The Leadership Council

Child Abuse Issues

Our Children Our Future

Small Justice – Film Review

Marin Psychiatrist & Evaluator, Edward Oklan

Parents of Sexually Abused Children

Dr. Irene’s Verbal Abuse Website

Dr. Bruce Perry, Authority on Children in Crisis

United For Justice

Pediatric Gynecology


Myth of Epidemic False Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Case Against Lawyers

Information & Support Organizations

Divorced From Justice

Family Court Litigants use The Internet

California Alliance Against Domestic Violence

Women’s Institute for Individual Political Justice

The Ace Study – Risk Factors

International Society for Study of Dissociation

Dr. Judith Reisman, Kinsey Research

CA Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Women’s Health

Witness Justice – Help & Healing for Victoms of Violence

Family Court Rally – Australia

Physicians for a Violence-Free Society

Randi James – Stories, Community, Support

Stop Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Today

Child Abuse Wiki-Ritual Abuse

Child Abuse Wiki-Recovered Memories

Child Abuse Wiki-Dissociative Identity Disorder

Child Abuse Wiki-False Memory Syndrome

Child Abuse Wiki-Extreme Abuse Surveys


Legislation, Legal Resource, & Information Sites

Center for Judicial Excellence

National DV Probono Directory

Justice Denied

Legal Abuse Syndrome

Civic Research Institute

Killer Judges

Judicial Action Watch Society

Elkins Task Force

Barbara Bentley, Author Survivor – Resource Page

Mothers on a Mission to Stop Violence

Custody Prep for Moms

National Alliance for Family Court Justice

Distinction in Family Courts

Battered Women, Abused Children, & Child Custody

Stop Family Violence

Full Text of IACHR Petition: giving children to abusers

Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse

CPS Corruption & the Monetary Incentive to Remove Children

Motivation to remove children, considered Federal Program Fraud

SSRN Abstract Database Search Results

Habeas Corpus Applied to Family Law

Never Again Foundation

Now Legal Defense Fund

Northwest Women’s Law Center

California Family Law
(This is a law site but not necessarily supportive of our cause. There is good legal information here, however, the website owner has chosen to place links on this site to Parental Alienation Evaluators. IOW, take what you want but leave the rest)

Divorce Network (nationwide info)


National Center For State Courts Operational Review

National Coalition for Family Court Justice

Safety 4 Parents & Kids

Judicial Accountability Initiative

Child Law Watch

DV Law Search

WA Child Custody Attorney, Margaret Dore

SC Protective Parent Attorney, Arlaine Rockey

VA Women’s Divorce Attorney, Charles Hofheimer

Arlaine Rockey, Custody Attorney

The Hague Domestic Violence Project

Battered Moms Lose Children to Abusers

Justice Interrupted – Robin Sax to interview Battered Moms

White House Advisor on Violence Against Women

Battered Women & Children Re-victimized Through Court

Stories and Related News Links

Failure to Protect: Custody Battle Ends in Baby’s Death

Kristen Lombardi’s Article: Custodians of Abuse

Kodi Hawthorne Story – Custody Injustice Leads to Suicide

Document the Silence

Salem News: Silent Vigil at White House

Save Aaliyah

Child Abuse Wiki

Jessica Lenahan – Wins Landmark Case

Ritual Abuse

Recovered Memories

Dr Phil: Crisis in Family Court

Dissociative Identity Disorder

False Memory Syndrome

Extreme Abuse Surveys

Extreme Abuse Survey Results

Extreme Abuse Survey Highlights

Hell Minus One

Ritual Abuse Torture

Cult and Ritual Abuse

Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century

Treating Survivors of Santanist Abuse

Breaking the Circle of Ritual Abuse

Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dastardly Dads

Until You Say Uncle

Disgus on Ms. Janelle Burill

Rachel Foundation Lawsuit

Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime, and Healing

Hope for Us

Little Hostages Blogspot

Extreme Abuse Survey Results

Highlights Extreme Abuse Survey

The Esther Horton Story, Media News

Family Law Changes – Bay Area

Dastardly Dads – News Stories

Susan Murohy Milano’s Journal

Dozens Rally Against Family Law Court – Video

Sacramento Judge Violated Judicial Canons

Why Parents Who Batter Win Custody (PAS)

The Genia Shockomi Story, Part I, Media News

Bring Blaire Home

Stop Child Rape – Stories

The Genia Shockomi Story, Part II, Media News

The Jack Stratton Story, Media News

Child Confiscation

Mothers of Valor – Dr. Amy Neustein

Colorado Parents Justice

The Disposable Jew: Child Sexual Abuse and Religious Culture (Word Doc)

Garland Waller Film – Fighting the System

Video Links

Mothers of Lost Children YouTube Channel

No Way Out But One – Trailer

Litagation Costs & Tactics – Video

Dr Judith Reisman – Video

We are the World – Video

Women Victorious – Video

Gunpowder and Lead DV Custody Cases – Video

Victoria Story – Video

Full Disclosure – Video

New Push to Change Child Custody Laws – Video

WA Story – Video

Mothers on a Mission to Stop Violence – Video

A STORY – Video


Children’s Drawings – Video

Children’s Stories – Video

May 2009 La Jolla Kidnapping – Video

Mother and Son Exciled from USA – Video

Eli Newberger connects Penn State scandal with Family Court scandal

National Parents March – Fam. Court Investig. by US & Ratification UN CRC

The Ninth Battered Mothers Custody

Outstanding Books

Excerpt From Mothers On Trial, Published August 05, 2011
By Phyllis Chesler
Courtesy Lawrence Hill Books
Editor’s note: Fox News Opinion presents the introduction and an excerpt from the completely revised second edition of Phyllis Chesler’s book “Mothers on Trial”:

This is a book that cried out to be written. I first heard that cry in the mid-1970s and, after years of research, published the first edition of “Mothers on Trial: The Battle for Children and Custody” in 1986. At the time, the book created a firestorm and was widely, if controversially, received.

In the last twenty-five years, there have been some improvements, but matters have decidedly worsened. The book you are holding has been revised and updated and brought into the twenty-first century.

Myths about custody still abound. Most people still believe that the courts favor mothers over fathers—who are discriminated against because they are men—and that this is how it’s always been. Click here to read more . . .

Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Child Custody
, Legal Strategies and Policy Issues

Editors: Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D. and Barry Goldstein, J.D

“In a trend that started in the 1980s, and increasingly since then, family court judges across the U.S. have ordered thousands and thousands of children into unsupervised visitation with abusive biological fathers. In many cases, mothers have been denied any form of custody, with some losing all contact with their children. In the last few years, attorneys and social service advocates have met to address this issue at the annual Battered Mother’s Custody Conferences. This book brings together the expertise and perspective of more than thirty contributors to BMCC in a comprehensive resource that arms advocates with the best thinking and most effective legal strategies in the battle to protect mothers and families from a system that often fails to address abuse and sometimes actually worsens the problem.”

On Family Court, from Multiple Personality Disorder and Other Psychiatric Disorders, page 157
By Colin Ross

“In fact, ‘borderline’ organization is characteristic of many different systems. Consider the legal system. The legal system has borderline personality disorder. At least in my jurisdiction, the legal system is perverse, destructive, and prone to aggressive acting out. The core of the Unified Family Court in Winnipeg, for instance, is the double bind. The legal system is a system of justice designed to protect honest citizens and punish criminals, supposedly. In practice, in family law, one is actively rewarded for fraudulent affidavits, unethical behavior, self-interested abuse of family members, and psychopathic opportunism. One is bunished for honest and decent behavior, which is not ‘smart’ according to the rules of the system. To be ‘smart’ and to ‘win’ in the justice system, one must be a moral criminal.”

Tempest in the Temple
Editor: Amy Neustein and Contributor: Michael Lesher

In “2006, New York magazine and ABC’s Nightline both featured stories dealing with rabbis who had abused children entrusted to them. Then, at the start of 2007, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency published a five-part series on sexual abuse by rabbis who led congregations, taught religious studies, and ran youth groups. The series soon was picked up by Jewish newspapers nationwide. Despite this spate of media coverage, there has been a dearth of scholarly material investigating sexual abuse within the Jewish clergy. Tempest in the Temple brings together fifteen practicing rabbis, educators, pastoral counselors, sociologists, mental health professionals, and legal advocates for abuse victims, each of whom offer insights into different facets of the problem.”

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